Category Archives: Actual Play

IPMM 56: Hillfolk Demo

This episode was recorded just before Gen Con.  Because Yanni was a Kickstarter backer for Hillfolk, we got the game early and wanted to record an AP before the official release.  Unfortunately, circumstances prevented us from posting it up before the con.

We’re calling this a “demo” rather than an “AP” because we didn’t feel like we got a full session in.  We got through world creation and had some really interesting scenes (including one procedural scene) but we all wished we had had more time to flesh out the characters and explore the setting a little more.  Still, it’s a good listen and if you’re at all interested in Hillfolk (and you should be!) you will not regret the download.

This episode features a couple of Podcast Magic Missile guests: Duncan’s wife Wendy and our friend Braden.


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IPMM 55: AW New Sodom, Episode 2

“Dolphins and Twygers and Bears – Oh My!”

In this episode, Camo makes a move on Mr. Silver’s business.  The Locales come down on Lively.  Man and Susan dispose of a body.  Grace convinces Man to stand up for himself.  Grace makes a foolish deal with Omie Wise and a canny deal with Mr. Silver.  Susan and Man both demonstrate their loyalty, Lively runs into the Twygers, Susan checks in with command, and we finish with a delicious Brainer-Skinner-Maestro’D virtual three-way.

Ah, Apocalypse World…

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Filed under Actual Play, Podcast

IPMM 53: AW New Sodom, Episode 1

“An Evening at the Goldmine”

We start our new Apocalypse World campaign – this time with less Mad Max and more Blade Runner.

In this episode, we meet the characters and see a day in the life of Silver’s Goldmine, a fighting arena and concert hall in the slums of the crumbling city of New Sodom.

Our cast includes:

  • Dave as Grace, the Skinner
  • Yanni as Susan, the Space Marine Mammal
  • Joanna as Lively, the Brainer
  • Duncan as Silver, the Maestro D’
  • Will as Man, the Gunlugger
  • … and Caitlin as The Master of Ceremonies

Note: this series alternates between moments of levity and some really dark stuff – including human trafficking, physical and sexual abuse, etc.  If you’re not cool with that, go listen to some of our other APs, including our older Apocalypse World series, which sits much closer to the shallow end of an R-rating.

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IPMM 50: Microscope

“A temple of bricks and bodies”

We’ve got actual play from Microscope, an innovative story game from Ben Robbins and Lame Mage Productions!  Microscope is a “fractal” story game that allows a small group of players to create an entire history – anywhere from decades to eons – and then zoom in on particularly interesting characters and details.  Microscope is a great standalone game but it can also be used to generate the campaign world and backstory for a more traditional RPG.

Microscope uses index cards on the table to track time periods, events, and scenes.  Here’s what things looked like after we were done [spoilers – you might not want to look until after you listen].

For this game, we had Blake, Dave, Joanna, Yanni, and Will.  We actually played with too many people (recommended is 2-4), but it didn’t break the game too badly.  At the end, we mention Kingdom, a new game by the same designer that’s coming out very soon!

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Filed under Actual Play, Podcast

IPMM 48: Psi*Run Finale


This is the final episode of our actual play of Meguey Baker‘s masterful Psi*Run, a game about amnesiac fugitives with superpowers running from something sinister.

We’re joined by Blake Mutschler, owner of Fun N Games, the friendly local game store in Blacksburg, VA (facebookwebsite).

In final this episode, our runners board the train on which Zaitsev’s children are being held captive. Can they find the kids before the chasers find them? Tune in to find out!


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IPMM 46: Psi*Run Part 2 (of 3)

“Just a simple country tractor”

This is the second episode of our actual play of Meguey Baker‘s masterful Psi*Run, a game about amnesiac fugitives with superpowers running from something sinister.

We’re joined by Blake Mutschler, owner of Fun N Games, the friendly local game store in Blacksburg, VA (facebookwebsite).

We’ve cut this AP into three bite-sized, one hour episodes.  Episode 1 was posted last week and Episode 3 should be posted next week.  In this episode, our runners escape to the open road but find themselves drawn back to the train where the adventure all started.  We also learn a little more about the chasers…


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IPMM 45: Psi*Run Part 1 (of 3)

“The dog can talk now?”

Our actual play of Meguey Baker‘s masterful Psi*Run, a game about amnesiac fugitives with superpowers running from something sinister.

We’re joined by Blake Mutschler, owner of Fun N Games, the friendly local game store in Blacksburg, VA (facebookwebsite).

We’ve cut this AP into three bite-sized, one hour episodes.  Episode 2 should be posted next week and Episode 3 the week after.  In this episode, we go over the rules, create characters, and get to know them as they escape a train crash and cause havoc in a suburban neighborhood.


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IPMM 43: Monsterhearts Finale


The Hiver

The Hiver (image courtesy of Curiomira)

Mara is dead, Chloe is gone, Chassie’s gang and Gabe’s team are in tatters, and the Hiver is still out there… somewhere.  What’s a Chosen to do? Oh, right, go kill the monster.

Except that won’t be quite as easy as anyone expects, even if they can figure out how to counteract its power and use its secret weakness against it.  You see, the Hiver has a new friend…

At the end of this episode, for the sake of time, we go into “full cinematic” mode and stop rolling dice. Fortunately, it works because we’ve all got a really good notion of the shared fiction. However, we realize that we’re not playing the game as intended, so apologies to anyone who wanted to see the final interaction played out that way.

We’re pretty sure you’ll find the end product entertaining, though!



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IPMM 42: Monsterhearts Episode 10

“Volatile and Hot”

This is the first half of the two-part finale of our Monsterhearts season!

In this episode, Chassie, Gabe, and Robin all go to rescue Mara… but who really needs rescuing?


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IPMM 40: Monsterhearts Episode 9


As if things weren’t dark enough…

We start with love letters in the form of hospital charts.  Chloe desperately tries to stave off damnation just a bit longer, but that puts Mara in the crosshairs.  The rest of the cast are blindsided – they know they have to do something, but what?



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