“Chekhov’s Phone Install”
Important Announcement: Dave [Fried] and Yanni [Cooper] will be at GenCon this year! Both will be running at Games on Demand (GenCon sign-in required) – come by and play or just say hi!
We talk about communications technology in RPGs (cell phones, mostly), what the next “hot” urban fantasy monster will be, how cool Reaper’s new “Bones” line of minis are, Duncan’s new universal minis game “µ” (latest version here), and just in general what we’re all up to.
The Cthulhu model (unpainted) from the new Reaper Bones minis set.
Other topics discussed in this episode:
- Doctor Who
- Chekhov’s Gun
- Machete
- World War Z (the movie)
- American Vampire
- Wild Cards
- Larry Niven
- Castle Dice
- Boss Monster
- X-COM: Enemy Unknown
- X-COM: Interceptor
- Wing Commander
- Star Fox 64
- Torchwood
- Monster of the Week
And finally, a shout-out to Jenn Martin and Lee Van Sickle out in Chicagoland, who played Fiasco with Joanna and Dave the week this episode was recorded!