Dana talks about Origins 2014, we all discuss upcoming innovations in “traditional” gaming (i.e. D&D5), plus some announcements on where to hear us on other podcasts.
Be sure to check out the Glitter Guild at GenCon 2014! They’ll be performing their incredible “nerdlesque” burlesque on Thursday night. There’s another group performing on Saturday, but be sure to make the GG show – you won’t regret it!
In this episode we talk about game design and playtesting.
A number of us are currently working on games, either for wide release or for campaigns that are going to run at the FLGS.
We talk about what we’ve learned and what strategies we use. We also talk about the best way to take criticism (it’s not always easy) and how to make your criticism helpful and constructive.
In this potpurri episode, we talk about computer games, and special guest James tells us about the SyFy original movie Decoys, the greatest movie of all time.*
* for very specific definitions of “greatest movie of all time”
Also, an important announcement:
The producer formerly known as Dave is transgender and is now about three months into the process of a gender transition. You may have already seen her (online) as Dana; she expects to go full-time IRL sometime in the latter half of this year. Be prepared for some changes over the course of the summer and fall, but be assured that (other than an occasional delay caused by a necessary medical procedure) this should have very little impact on the podcast.
If you’re not familiar with transgender issues, we recommend the following resources from GLAAD:
In this episode we indulge our love for the creepy and supernatural in a review of Secure, Contain, Protect (SCP), one of the greatest group-curated creepypasta sites on the web. We talk about how SCP can teach us things about writing good horror – or running good horror games, as well as mining SCP directly for ideas. Other stuff covered:
Reaping Day here! The banquet is prepared! The people are excited for the town celebration! The only ingredients remaining are murder and mayhem, which the PCs are more than willing to add.