In this installment of our continuing Apocalypse World saga, Marrow tries to get Susan to come out of his shell, Lively gets inside of Man’s head and makes some… alterations, Man subsequently freaks Grace out, more dinner plans are laid, there is news of an impending arrival at the Goldmine, and the Wolves finally come en force for Grace.
Our guest hosts continue telling us about their campaign based on the One Piece anime/manga franchise. They recap the comic highlights of the campaign, and what they learned from running it.
We’ve broken this episode up into two pieces because irony.
Part two will be released next week. We’ll probably also be doing a practicum on re-skinning at some point.
Blake Mutschler is the owner of Fun N Games, the friendly local game store in Blacksburg, VA (facebook – website).
Matthew Highcove writes regularly on DMing with Charisma, his outstanding GM advice blog.
In this episode, our guest hosts talk about their campaign based on the One Piece anime/manga franchise. They talk about why D&D 4E is such a good system for simulating the shōnen genre and how to “re-skin” classes and powers for added effect. Then they recap the comic highlights of the campaign itself.
We’ve broken this episode up into two pieces because irony.
Part two will be released next week. We’ll probably also be doing a practicum on re-skinning at some point.
Blake Mutschler is the owner of Fun N Games, the friendly local game store in Blacksburg, VA (facebook – website).
Matthew Highcove writes regularly on DMing with Charisma, his outstanding GM advice blog.
Dave talks about going to the inaugural Chicago LongCon and playing in Jen‘s great three-session Monsterhearts game. Then the cast discusses religion, faith, and inscrutable power in general in games. Is faith something that can be explored in games? How can you bring a sense of the mysterious/numinous into your game?
Mr. Silver and the other PCs hatch a plot to stick it to Omie Wise and deal with the Locales. And because no plan survives contact with the enemy, things immediately go wahoonie-shaped. Also: we meet the Silver Goldmine’s chef, Grace changes playbooks (inviting serious trouble), Susan finally gets to use his big gun, Man works to make Lamprey feel “comfortable”, and Lively demonstrates how convincing he can be.
This is the first of a two-part actual play of Ryan Macklin’s ultra-fucking-metal game about slaying gods, Mythender.
If you’re considering playing Mythender, know this: you will need a lot of dice. This is what we started with and we needed to find more about halfway through:
Warhammer 40K fans will be at home with both the tone and tactile experience of this game.
Note: Renee Knipe’s name is pronounced with a hard “K”, Dave apologizes for getting it wrong.
Also, an announcement about our current AW campaign: because of Caitlin’s schedule, Will and she will be swapping places; Caitlin will play Man and Will will be the MC.